
Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Bang, and we're off!

Well it's taken a while but I've finally got myself down with the cool kids and started a blog. You may be wondering what's it all about? Well, let me tell you.

Essentially I'm going to be writing about all things related to Agile software development and project management. When I say all things what I actually mean is things that I've encountered and find interesting, enlightening or fascinating for one reason or another.

So what's piqued my interest enough to actually decide to start blogging about this stuff? I've been working in software development for ten years now and during that time have experienced a range of roles, approaches and environments. From a software developer and tester through to project manager through to ScrumMaster, from hardcore Prince 2 through to all things Agile, from a multinational FTSE 100 company through to smaller privately owned enterprises - I've undergone a bit of a journey.

For the past five years of this journey I've chosen to work with Agile projects and teams. The reason for that is quite simple. Of the different ways I've worked I enjoy this the most. I find it the most fulfilling and rewarding. A large part of that fulfilment and reward comes from the fact that I believe an Agile approach to be a great way in which to develop software. I should probably emphasise the last two words of that sentence though - develop software.

I recently met a self-proclaimed Agile coach who claimed to be the proud father of two "Agile children". What the heck?? How many software development professionals have you ever met that described themselves as a father, or a mother, of a couple of structured development lifecycle children? Hopefully, none!

For me the above represents an unfortunate tipping point. Working in a certain way because it makes sense and produces great results is one thing, letting that approach develop into a religious and overarching way of life or belief system is quite another. So as soon as I start preaching Agile's ability to bring peace to the Middle East or you find me at the alter praying to the great god Zen to come and pick us up in his Agile spaceship to fly us off to the planet Scrum and help us all become better human beings then I wan't you to call Tom Cruise, 'cos I reckon I'll be ready for the big league!

Despite a certificate to the contrary (a topic for another post) I also don't consider myself a master of anything. I hope that this blog will aid my learning, helping me to reflect on my thoughts and experiences to date and allowing me to learn from the input and experiences of others. All helping to guide me as my journey continues.

So, let the blogging commence!

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